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Weiner – Gate

June 13, 2011

By now, especially after hundreds of hours of breathless reporting by the mainstream ‘useful mediots’ is there any question that Rep. Weiner can now join that special club of political psycopaths that have plied their sexual exploits with near impugnity over the past couple decades ……..names like Barney Frank, The Big Dog – Bill Clinton, Arnold, etc. Amidst all this media frenzy, does anyone get the gnawing feeling that with all this attention paid on this newest knucklehead:

What aren’t they telling us ?……..or better yet, what are they hiding from us ?

Oh, I don’t know……perhaps Weiner-gate provides a nice distraction for those millions of Americans whose jobs were eviscerated by disastrous trade agreements pushed through Congress years ago despite howls of protest from clear thinking Americans who were not bought and paid for by ‘special interests’. Or, maybe they don’t want us to know how we’ve become the largest debtor nation in the world due to suicidal spending policies of the fedgov, which has and will continue to devalue our dollar and slowly erode the quality of every investment we might have.

If that’s not bad enough our true unemployment rate is much larger than the fluff and nonsense we hear on news reports…….in case you didn’t know, current ‘unemployment rates’ quoted in the 9% range (U3) DO NOT INCLUDE those who’ve stopped looking for a job. They’re not working but are so discouraged that the gov’t believes they don’t exist anymore ! In reality when they’re included (U6) the true unemployment rate is over 20%…….which approaches depression era numbers.

The fact is that anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out that we’re treated like mushrooms……kept in the dark and fed nothing but BS! It’s just amazing that the ‘masters of the universe’ that control our media believe they can get away with this idiocy! How stupid do they think we are?…..uh, better not answer that one.

Anyway, amidst all this nonsense wouldn’t it be nice to go back to the days of:

Oh, how I’d love to be an Oscar Mayer Weiner !

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